protein diet

features of the protein diet

Protein, also known as protein, is one of the 3 main components that the body needs. It participates in all life processes. There are two types of proteins: plant and animal. Animal protein is more valuable.

It contains essential elements and is 92-98% absorbed by the body. Plant-derived protein contains only protein and is absorbed by 60-80%, but does not contain dangerous animal-derived fats. For dieters, it is very important to prepare their diet correctly so that it is balanced. A diet containing 60% animal and 40% vegetable protein will be optimal.

Diet features

A nutritional system has some features that all weight lossers should consider.

  1. Proteins saturate the body of people who constantly work or play sports. Such foods may be suitable for women expecting a baby. The simple protein diet menu is characterized by the consumption of meat, fish and dairy foods. The nutrition system can be useful for those who want to get rid of excess weight without damaging and stressing the body.
  2. The maximum duration of the diet is 14 days. This period allows weight to be normalized without harming the body. The results of protein weight loss are characterized by stable indicators. To consolidate the obtained result, you need to gradually withdraw from the nutritional system, except for fatty, fried and sweet foods.
  3. It is recommended to repeat the diet after a maximum of 6 months.
  4. Foods containing protein require important recommendations for weight loss. The work of the excretory system is activated during the diet, which can cause complications. Therefore, during this time, the drinking regime must be observed and a sufficient amount of non-carbonated water must be consumed.
  5. Total calories from food should be around 1200-1400. Their absence can lead to disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and a weakening of the immune system.
  6. The protein diet menu for weight loss allows you to enjoy the taste of your favorite food (in small quantities) for a day and allows you to maintain a stable weight.

Recommended and prohibited products.

The daily protein diet menu is varied and includes a list of foods that can be included in the diet at this time. Recommended products are:

  1. Chicken and turkey meat, beef, offal. For a diet, food must be boiled or steamed. The most commonly used chicken is skinless. It is well absorbed, there is no problem with its preparation.
  2. Lean fish. It contains the right amount of protein and trace elements, which are important for the normal functioning of the body.
  3. Cottage cheese and dairy products. Digesting the casein present in their composition requires hard work from the body. As a result, they burn a large number of calories.
  4. Buckwheat and oatmeal, bread (rye, black, whole grain).
  5. Boiled eggs. The protein found in them is one of the easily digestible and nutritious foods.
  6. Vegetables that contain a minimum amount of starch (cucumber, cabbage, celery).
  7. Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits), sour apples.
  8. Canned tuna. They contain a large amount of protein and a minimal fat composition.

Special attention should be paid to the drinking regime. May contain herbal teas, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, purified water.

When compiling a protein diet menu for a week, you should limit the content of easily fattening foods:

  1. First of all, you need to exclude sweets. Even fruits can spoil the result, not to mention cakes, cookies and pastries.
  2. Fried, fatty foods and pasta should be completely excluded from the menu.
  3. The consumption of carbonated drinks, compotes and fruit juices is also not recommended during the diet.
  4. Vegetables containing a lot of starch in their composition (potatoes, legumes, peas).

Rejecting such products will allow you to achieve tangible results in a short time.

Diet schedule

The electrical system should be implemented as follows:

  1. It is best to divide the daily menu into several portions (5-6). Drink a glass of purified water in the morning on an empty stomach. Take your last meal 3 hours before going to bed.
  2. You can eat some porridge and wholemeal bread before lunch. You can eat fruit (apples, oranges).
  3. Foods containing protein are included in the diet after dinner, combined with raw vegetables or salads made from them.

Diet menu for 10 days.

The weight-loss foods shown in the table are distributed independently of each other and alternate during the entire meal. The 10-day recommended protein diet menu is shown in the table below.

Day Breakfast Dinner afternoon tea Dinner
One day herbal tea Chicken breast,
Braised cabbage,
green apple
Fat-free kefir steamed fish,
2 days Herbal tea without sugar
Whole wheat bread
An ear that does not contain potatoes,
Cabbage salad.
Kefir is fat-free
Low-calorie cottage cheese
3 days Unsalted tea Boiled beef,
Raw vegetables
Carrot and cabbage salad
4 days Green tea without sugar
Rye bread croutons.
Lean fish stew with vegetables "Tofu" cheese
boiled eggs,
Grated carrots
5 days Natural coffee without sugar Boiled beef,
Cabbage and cabbage salad
Skimmed milk Fat-free cottage cheese
6 days Tea without sugar beef soup,
beetroot salad
boiled chicken,
7 days Tea,
Rye crackers
fish with vegetables
Whole wheat bread
"Tofu" cheese
Green salad
8 days Natural coffee without sugar boiled chicken fillet,
Kefir or ryazhenka,
Citrus fruits
carrot salad,
He fried it
Day 9 unsweetened drink Ears without potatoes
Raw vegetables
low-fat cheese Green salad
10 days Tea without sugar Chicken without skin
Tomato salad
Apples Boiled lean fish

The protein diet menu for 10-day weight loss is varied. Portions should be taken in moderation so that we don't eat too much and leave the table feeling slightly full.

Menu for 2 weeks.

This is the longest nutrition system that gives effective and stable results. Its 14-day observance does not cause discomfort and discomfort to a person. Recommendations for a protein diet (14-day menu).

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
One day Unsweetened black coffee 2 hard boiled eggs
braised cabbage,
A glass of tomato juice
Fish baked, fried or steamed
2 days Sugar-free coffee,
Rye croutons
boiled fish,
Green salad
boiled beef (250 g),
A glass of kefir
3 days Sugar-free coffee,
Rye croutons
fried zucchini
green apple
2 boiled eggs, cabbage salad, boiled beef (200g. )
4 days Black coffee without sugar 3 boiled carrot salad,
Hard cheese (15 g)
Fruits or berries, except grapes and bananas.
5 days Fresh grated carrot Boiled, fried or steamed fish.
A glass of tomato juice
Fruits or berries, except grapes and bananas.
6 days Black coffee without sugar boiled chicken,
Salad with vegetables
2 boiled eggs
Fresh grated carrot
7 days Unsweetened tea (green or herbal tea) boiled veal or beef (250 g),
Fresh fruits
Dinner on one day, except day 3

The second week of the 14-day protein diet menu assumes the same diet, that is, it repeats the first 7 days. Be sure to follow the drinking schedule. You can drink green and medicinal tea, water. It is absolutely forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages so as not to burden the liver.

The first meal contains only liquid in the form of tea or coffee. You should not overeat while eating, it is best to stop when you feel slightly hungry.

Pros and cons of a protein diet.

Anyone who is losing weight can diversify the menu by adding their favorite vegetables or unsweetened fruits. The positive features of the system are as follows:

  1. The nutritional system enables intensive sports, which is difficult with other effective and fast weight loss methods.
  2. The diet is practically not accompanied by a feeling of hunger, because the digestion time of protein-containing foods is 4 hours.
  3. Body weight normalizes.
  4. The immune system is strengthened.
  5. There is healing of the body. The skin becomes tighter, cellulite decreases, the condition of hair, skin and nails improves.
  6. The protein diet menu contains a lot of fiber, which makes it possible to improve the functioning of the intestines.
  7. Muscle mass is not depleted due to the presence of protein-containing foods in the diet.
  8. Minimal manifestation of fatigue, lethargy and dizziness, which is characteristic of other diets.
  9. The rate of weight loss with this nutrition system is not lightning fast and allows you to maintain a stable weight after you leave it.

If you stick to the protein diet menu for a long time in order to lose weight, some negative consequences may occur:

  1. Long-term use of protein leads to leaching of calcium and other trace elements from the body, which negatively affects the health of the skeletal system.
  2. Reduced performance due to the minimal amount of carbohydrates in the diet.
  3. Increased irritability due to the lack of fat in the diet - this is the main building material of nerve cells.
  4. Blood clotting problems, blood clots.
  5. A protein-rich diet can lead to disruption of the kidneys and digestive system.
  6. It is not recommended for people over 60 to eat like this.
  7. Bad breath caused by excessive protein food.

Before starting to lose weight, it is best to consult a specialist so as not to harm the body.


Any nutritional system, including a protein diet, stresses the body. Metabolism speeds up, toxins are removed, fats are burned, and the stomach has to adapt to new conditions and other foods.

Organs begin to work in enhanced mode. If everything is not in order with them, then chronic diseases can worsen, this should be taken into account when switching to a new menu.

The daily protein diet is contraindicated in such cases:

  1. Diseases of the excretory system;
  2. Old age;
  3. during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  4. Cholelithiasis;
  5. Pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  6. Allergy to citrus fruits;
  7. Pathologies of the digestive system;
  8. Diabetes;
  9. Adolescence.

It stops any contraindications for those who have chosen this diet. You can lose weight on this nutritional system only after removing the contraindications.

Useful tips to improve the effect.

Nutritionists recommend how to lose weight with a protein diet without harming your health. Adhering to a diet may not be enough to achieve effective results.

The basic principles of healthy nutrition must be applied, which will also be effective in the future:

  1. Before starting the diet, it is best to undergo a medical examination.
  2. To comply with such a nutritional regime, you must ask a doctor for permission.
  3. You should take multivitamins throughout the diet.
  4. In case of vertigo attacks, the intake of carbohydrates and fats into the body should be increased. In the breakfast menu, it is allowed to add oatmeal.
  5. It is best to refuse the protein diet if you feel worse.
  6. You must not take any medication during the weight loss period.
  7. The diet should be discussed with a specialist.
  8. You must eat strictly on time.
  9. You have to constantly count calories: spend more than you consume.
  10. It is worth having dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed.
  11. The dishes on the menu may only be boiled, steamed or steamed.
  12. Amount of food: drinks (200 mg), other foods (150 g) and fruits (100 g).
  13. Limit the amount of salt you eat.
  14. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day. Bad habits must be abandoned.
  15. Avoid vigorous sports and cardio.
  16. It is best to go swimming, fitness, aerobics or Pilates.

Attention! The information is published for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor before using the diet.